Sunday, 31 October 2010

At a recent job interview:

What would you consider to be your main weaknesses and strengths?

Well my main weakness would be my issues with reality, telling what's real from what's not.

And your strengths?

I'm Batman.
My girlfriend takes me by the hand and leads me down to the games room.

She gets on top of the snooker table and onto her hands and knees.

She's got on a skirt and I can see she's not wearing any knickers.

"Your choice," she says. "Pink or brown."

I said, "How the fuck can I play snooker when you're on the table?!"

Stupid cow.

South Park *Coon 2: Hindsight* Assholes

I Uploaded this for Travis Brockett his comment made me lol thinking about when Cartman jumps out the window shouting Assholeees! XD

Vote In The poll Yo!

No Ecusses

Just in chase you haven't seen any of south park season 14 episodes 1 to 11 can be downloaded here!
or you can stream it Here! shhhh! (If your in the usa i pretty sure you can watch them from South Park Studios)

Saturday, 30 October 2010

Coon And Friends, South Park: Lets Get This Straight.

So Seen the new South Park?
If you have I bet you to are trying to figure out who the fuck is who? Right?
So hears what I think so far?

Cartman - The Coon, (we all know this!)
Kyle -
Mosquito (I think because they argue the same and the jewy voice) lol)
Stan - Toolshed  (Got to be)
Timmy -
iron maiden (well )
Token - Tupperware (yes)
Kenny - mintberrycrunch ( still not sure, cartman picks on him alot, (as always) kenny has blond hair (I remember seein kenny with his hood down in the movie))

Craig - mysterion ( just because his voice and in the first one he is asleep in the classroom)
Iron maiden - Timmy (of course)
Human kite - Kenny? Cleg?

Think thats all of them? Any way let me know what you think? copypasta and comment:

Black Sun Empire- Don't You

Mo D&B For you Freaks,


Well you finally twisted my arm and i signed up to twitter,
have a look if you like follow the Awesome Dawg

Friday, 29 October 2010

Mike Posner - Cooler Than Me (Kidnap & Ransom Dubstep Remix)

Totaly amazing Remix by Kidnap and Ransom! love it! good work boys
(I'll be posting more of their work (if they let me XD) soon.

State of Mind - Sun King

Black Sun Empire - Breach

Black sun empire-arrakis

Commix - Satellite Type 2

Black sun empire - Dark girl

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Drum & Bass

Its one of them days where I just can't be arsed to mix, But the need for choons is to much! So I seek out any thing i can to help eaze my hunger!Cut a long story short found a good set by Cerberus, its got some wicked tracks my favorite at the moment been arrakis by black sun empire, love it!
Availble To Download From DnBsets (Cerberus Sub Woofing) is a search engine like Google or Yahoo which looks through the below listed boards for independent DJ-sets and mixes.
Check it out D&B Nutters 

Thursday, 28 October 2010