Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Google Going for Gold!

Let’s start with Google’s most recent and most amazing technology yet, Google TV. Well if you’re not sure what it is or how it will work, here is a quick run down: First off, it combines internet into your television, then it takes it a step further by allowing you to search for TV shows, and another step further by making apps available for the television. And even better, you can control it using your phone as a remote, it also can be controlled via voice commands. And my favorite part, you can watch your favorite sports game or other TV show, while browsing the web! Google made it so that their new system will already work with your internet, your TV, and your satellite. Here is a link to their amazing site for it, be sure to check it out.

Another way Google appears to be taking over is in the phone market, yes it looks as if Android phone’s are rapidly catching up and expected to overtake iphone sales. Google is also making an operating system different than the android mobile operating system, they have dubbed it ‘Google Chrome OS’. This new operating system is supposed to be fast, secure and lightweight, to ensure that users can get on the internet faster.

Chrome OS is going to piss off Microsoft, not for the above reasons but for this: open source.

“Microsoft really is dead in the water. It might be churning a profit right now, but it’s business model and products have reached the natural end of their life and Microsoft just hasn’t evolved or changed to keep up. It’s a 20th century company, doing 20th century stuff. The rest of the world is moving on.” –

Pcworld is exactly right, it’s as if microsoft isn’t even trying anymore, none of their products make people go ‘wow’ anymore, they have lost the market share, or are losing the market share, because they refuse to progress in a way that makes people say ‘wow’. Google makes people say ‘wow’, well it makes me say wow, and that is why people buy their stuff (well Google TV is like their first real tangible product so I probably shouldn’t say that yet). If you are a company that is struggling it is because you have no or little ‘wow’ factor!


  1. I have used the Chrome OS beta, it was pretty cool if you ask me :)

  2. Microsoft wont go anywhere for a long time but they are def not advancing like everyone else is. google os is made for web browsing with netbooks and because its linux will not be compatable with anything you use in windows. Wine works sometimes but not always. Chrome OS wont do much if anything to microsoft or apple. I will prolly use it with a netbook tho or some other linux os.

  3. Interesting. I don't think I had seen this yet. I can definitely see where Android is quickly sweeping up the market--will be interesting to see how successful this TV bit is.

  4. that gives me something to think about

  5. hopefully the os is easy like next-next-next-finish if not >.>

  6. Yep. here's to microsoft slowly dying out!

  7. I still loves Microsoft's products... No matter what anyone says. Windows 7 is great, and everyones love their 360. I may be one in a few, but I love my Zune as well.

    But I have to say I do a lot of different companies as well, I have a Macintosh desktop and PS3, etc., but I would still be depressed if Microsoft left the market.

  8. a lot of media streams are blocking their sites from google TV as they want viewers to subscribe to cable and satellite services where they can make more money!

    i hope google and these broadcasting companies work something out as i will not buy a google tv until this is sorted out :(

    the technology in this is AMAZING, but monopolies are preventing the market from growing...

    again, great post!

  9. I am surprised google is doing so well because in the end most of their profit is off their ad space :O

  10. I see it right now: 'Microsoft taken over by Google, just after the same situation with IBM. More information i Google News.'

  11. super good, google is awsome ! we all know that!
