Friday, 12 November 2010


Sorry I havent posted any thing new today, I've been rather busy trying to set up a new website which has taken up all of my free time and is slowly killing me.

I dont want to go into to much detail because that would ruin the surprise, But i have hit a Brick Wall!
And I need some help!

So i begg You my trusted Followers.... Is There any one of you that can help me?

I need someone that knows the bussiness of Making Wed sites, Website Design ,CMS(joomla), Image gallerys.... etc (I just Need Advice, but services are welcome)

If you got the skills Please add me to skype "awesomedawg" is my skype name,
Thank you


  1. Same, can't do those things :(

  2. I wish I knew how to do those kind of stuff, so my blog would look cooler too xD Still working on mine and self teaching that stuff

  3. this one piqued my interest the most... keep it coming

  4. this is a good follow up to your last post

  5. nice, I'm looking forward to the next one

  6. I would suggest going on design forums and offering some money there, sure some unemployed will hook you up ;)

  7. i cant help either >.<; im dumb when it comes to that stuff

  8. good luck with the site, but i know nothing on the subject!

  9. aww sorry man. I wish i could help you out, but I have no clue :(
